A Complete Guide to EIP-3074 EIP-3074 was just approved for inclusion in the next hard fork. This change will significantly alter how users interact on EVM chains, enhance wallet UX, and, ultimately, make Ethereum more accessible.
Loot GDC: Exploring the Potential of Onchain LootBoxes A thorough retrospective on Loot GDC, our lootbox-inspired scavenger hunt quest across digital and physical space.
Polkadot’s Solution to the Byzantine Generals Problem: Grandpa Protocol Gossamer is a Golang implementation of the Polkadot host, and recently, we've been working on implementing the GRANDPA protocol in Go.
A Beginner's Guide to Web3.js Curious about the world of web3 development? If you're a beginner coder or a web developer eager to explore, this friendly guide is your starting point for the basics of Ethereum development. We'll keep it simple, focusing on the essentials, with web3.js as your gateway into Ethereum. Let's go!
Mastering Web3.js utilities The web3.js utilities package is one of the most widely used packages of the web3.js library (~920k downloads a month). If you’re developing a dApp or honing your skills, this article will demonstrate how to use these functions to their full potential.
Introducing Cypress-polkadot-wallet: End-to-End Testing for Your Dapp As part of our last treasury proposal, the Multix team has committed to building a tool to help developers test their Dapps with automated end-to-end testing. We’re happy to announce the tool is ready for use! It’s called Cypress-polkadot-wallet, and here’s a quick guide on what it
The State of Light Clients in Ethereum At Lodestar, we've been long-time proponents of light clients, software that connects to full nodes to interact with the blockchain. As a resource-friendly and trustless alternative to running your own full node, light clients reduce the need to trust third parties. Although they don't confirm blocks, they're valuable in terms