Release notes: Web3.unity 3.0

Web3.unity SDK version 3.0 includes a suite of powerful updates to expand what your game is capable of, reduce friction for players, and (of course) improve quality-of-life for builders.

Release notes: Web3.unity 3.0

Web3.unity version 3.0 includes a suite of powerful updates to expand what your game is capable of, reduce friction for players, and (of course) improve quality-of-life for builders.

web3unity | Blockchain Gaming SDK
Build faster and grow larger with web3.unity. Prefabs, tooling, and everything you need to bring Unity games into the future.

Important (!) changes for existing builds:

  • Web3Acessor has been renamed to Web3Unity.
  • All wallets are now unified under a single modal window.
  • There is now a single scene for the samples, SampleMain.
  • The EVM class has been removed.
  • async signer.GetAddress() has been replaced with the synchronous version signer.PublicAddress.

Multichain support and chain switching

Expand your horizons with seamless multi-chain integration! Effortlessly switch between multiple blockchains within a single project. Our latest update empowers you to reach a wider audience and diversify your application's capabilities like never before.

Marketplace sample creation

Jumpstart your development with our new Marketplace Sample. Explore, showcase, and purchase items within a fully functional marketplace environment. Learn from practical examples and accelerate your project's time to market with ready-to-use code samples.

ChainSafe Gaming built the Parallel TCG marketplace, Sanctuary! Read all about it here: 

Sanctuary: Building Echelon’s Next-gen NFT Marketplace
ChainSafe Gaming was contracted by Echelon to develop, among other related systems, Sanctuary: the NFT marketplace that will feature tradable NFT assets from Parallel.

Blockchain event subscriptions

Stay ahead of the curve with real-time blockchain event subscriptions. React instantly to on-chain events, create dynamic user experiences, and build applications that are more interactive and engaging. Never miss a beat in the fast-paced world of blockchain gaming.

Contract ABI↔C# generator

Simplify your smart contract interactions with our new Contract ABI to C# generator. No more tedious manual coding—generate C# classes directly from your contract ABIs. Calling contract functions more intuitively, save time and reduce the potential for errors.

Web3Auth wallet GUI enhancements

Introducing a Web3Auth wallet GUI that puts users in control. Approving and tracking transactions has never been easier or more transparent. Enhance trust and usability in your application with the improved wallet interface.

Support for MUD integration

Unleash new possibilities by integrating with MUD. Harness the power of on-chain data and logic to build complex, feature-rich applications. Elevate your projects to new levels of sophistication and functionality with this cutting-edge integration.

Immediate blockchain read access

No more waiting! Start interacting with blockchain data right away, enhancing your application's performance and providing users with a smoother experience.

You can read from the blockchain as soon as you call: Web3Unity.Instance.Initialize(false);

Improved Web3Auth workflow in WebGL

Streamline user authentication with Web3Auth in WebGL now opening in a new window instead of redirecting. Maintain the flow of your application while providing a secure and user-friendly login experience.

Known issues:

  • "Remember Me" is not part of the UI but is instead a toggle on the ConnectToWallet script. This will be properly addressed in a future release.
  • MUD samples are currently only working for local wallets using Anvil. We’re continuously improving our MUD implementation to make it easier for you to create new on-chain autonomous worlds.

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