The Lodestar User Incentive Program: List of Winners & Dispute Period

The Lodestar User Incentive Program ended on August 23, 2023, @ 18:00 UTC. The goal of the program was to incentivize solo stakers to give Lodestar a try as their Ethereum consensus client.
UPDATE: The dispute period concluded on October 3, 2023. Congratulations to all the 87 winners listed below 🎉 . Please fill out our feedback form about the program and Lodestar 👉 here. Your winning address will be eligible to claim your POAP 👉 here.
Below is the list of winning validators, instructions on our two-week dispute period, details on claiming your POAP, and a link to our feedback form.
Stakers! We've come to a conclusion on our list of winners after extensive evaluation of Lodestar block proposals between slots 6064198 to 7165798 (the "eligible period"). This announcement will publish the list of winning validators and where the prize will be distributed sometime after the dispute period. Once again, special thanks to Leo and his team at Miga Labs for helping us source data from the blockchain!
If you're solo validating, we've taken your eligible block's feeRecipient
address as the source for the prize deposit. If you're validating on RocketPool, we've taken your node's registered withdrawalAddress
as the source for the prize deposit.
List of 85 winning validators (sorted by validator index):
| Slot Number | Block Number | Proposer Index | Fee Recipient OR RocketPool Withdrawal Address |
| ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| 6152770 | 16979281 | 399 | 0xa721da3d06813e764e94a23e377cc3e1729fcfd5 |
| 6848574 | 17664479 | 1213 | 0x93Ce2025CA8d07C9231f3c045BbDBe5c691c79f7 |
| 6932833 | 17747768 | 12664 | 0xf3329318E02FeDE4D0Eec205216fbDbE2520E7fc |
| 7096339 | 17910107 | 15782 | 0x4e29168906AD72aa4d61A19D6AfC8fbafC08b48f |
| 6724967 | 17542293 | 17198 | 0x65279A7A4843Ebc1eD74aF97aC4ECF31F856Edf5 |
| 6865174 | 17680874 | 26021 | 0xcc7994E33A21702364e93E04f33927018b2a62ed |
| 6339597 | 17162285 | 31043 | 0xF828aDd1619bFb64712654076490b2609AE6D774 |
| 6790117 | 17606693 | 45512 | 0x0Bee03efB36C3901e53bcC5Ec7A2114A5212fD73 |
| 7164124 | 17977392 | 64597 | 0xCdFDB6B31F97094A822D30acc85922E1D962012F |
| 7070625 | 17884569 | 135088 | 0x6F1Bd56bb4bC87ae0249c04aAEbFbb34156397bd |
| 7022628 | 17836938 | 144106 | 0x97207e293a6C0836CA209aCc505FB814C5Ca7e9A |
| 7161298 | 17974583 | 161757 | 0x5FA85fb18E1bB59fcA88AFc0C002e0F6c1754eFF |
| 7076488 | 17890401 | 202480 | 0x8155a8b63368B7e1DBAFA23236129aAA83C7dcE8 |
| 7145663 | 17959058 | 255847 | 0xE240d9b200B90C8e69F365E58D042C863C0bd659 |
| 6278075 | 17101422 | 260634 | 0xBE792AAe851402516392d0973c96Af8C2543BEa5 |
| 6680136 | 17497939 | 267030 | 0x26433f7E29b8D065773e2Ff485053460E73B5007 |
| 7061153 | 17875174 | 268272 | 0xaCf4C2950107eF9b1C37faA1F9a866C8F0da88b9 |
| 6550829 | 17370457 | 288029 | 0xFc2E1bFe7B3840848088e38B65d1d484f8AAF0F0 |
| 6422401 | 17243993 | 312344 | 0xc3ed6bb52693918c865725d7faE9AB194e6939db |
| 7130558 | 17944073 | 344747 | 0x1d0584824287d1f5b18821018bb86c0f11bAF787 |
| 7097577 | 17911330 | 396635 | 0x81666cC6E902572C1Ab5FF0A2a8e20be90Adb1D3 |
| 7153150 | 17966489 | 396650 | 0x7472C7d360c47b02aE90e0770997bDA0b11A4F30 |
| 6852402 | 17668261 | 399389 | 0xa1A44A5703Bf87379C53F3DC205CbC6E365ED035 |
| 6607286 | 17426082 | 403553 | 0xBB42c8a5D94bF8a9C23AE700610e10d813cD6A96 |
| 6907282 | 17722430 | 418009 | 0x63A73802b4D2b47822CBa90e0ca6834aA6049a11 |
| 7104601 | 17918318 | 422359 | 0x9FEF46c2e08aA0627f03B8402000ddfC8fbd42Af |
| 6573279 | 17392601 | 426080 | 0x45a551543362461482c0A5Eee033D149c1D04Dd6 |
| 6381923 | 17204099 | 429090 | 0xE04F05981Ce85c2F8D3e836e1ED289c9c600c9Cf |
| 6523649 | 17343574 | 431182 | 0xeaccbf12e0cab175a12cf1fdb8eda046ddf46015 |
| 7140904 | 17954335 | 448950 | 0xcC10FacD65E6CcA96a32C0aC0eCE27f7cf984575 |
| 6870611 | 17686231 | 449727 | 0xD3d0ac5CaaE16E2490cf2005CAd746D7e6f7F8b5 |
| 7007058 | 17821465 | 467561 | 0x782629CF52cD0D0d69EcB3F09d5206e4Bcc99381 |
| 6648392 | 17466589 | 473631 | 0x9e47E25ea36Fca74b753889676daA6FEf1c511ed |
| 6849038 | 17664937 | 478060 | 0xef047abD1455f3CfE82628844E44CCaa274Ba396 |
| 7104160 | 17917879 | 480298 | 0x3720D02ad0142C1416aa9928c02653F4Eac64Ed2 |
| 6441538 | 17262621 | 487208 | 0x12F828eD7C4F918b46797F302296F15AABd951e4 |
| 6519717 | 17339690 | 488302 | 0x2225BEC7b00FdAf2c6f50294229F64341A679Bb8 |
| 6907136 | 17722284 | 488878 | 0x751fa5Fc8B96454B0CCA47d640E1d79e42624c14 |
| 6590240 | 17409306 | 494941 | 0x99ce02b15E68c6F085fFE647be4958cD47F7FA99 |
| 6916334 | 17731394 | 496518 | 0xC01Cebf1e28844D6FB2BA0F247F3A9acb94EC30A |
| 7145343 | 17958740 | 508909 | 0xE76Be9C1e10910d6Bc6b63D8031729747910c2f6 |
| 6544189 | 17363904 | 510762 | 0xF6c305A0A3009d3D51e0e73563Ce85fF99a89ddA |
| 6538862 | 17358627 | 522871 | 0x88D06b8C47B90E2462F069F9F7e6E4b6803F7Ad3 |
| 6750216 | 17567226 | 547745 | 0x3D27a4Ab092273988366D2F670F0d788CC33bD7f |
| 6257723 | 17081417 | 548764 | 0x132304B56BCB486f1a35Ba797a06D6d1Bbaf6880 |
| 6448775 | 17269747 | 560105 | 0x8b2Cb9c7C801A933D80b58084deC18aa14620596 |
| 6994762 | 17809238 | 565980 | 0x0F4058F60A926f22DCE4194587700F925d527705 |
| 6872512 | 17688113 | 566605 | 0xD8bc2296a23B85a2668C2BbE55CA8E188DDD2b4C |
| 7160324 | 17973618 | 571267 | 0x9Ac58a009C052e389689D07366C7BC08754Ba226 |
| 7124946 | 17938511 | 578925 | 0xC91c9c0A87d05Bcf81AC6a7F0d66A910e43DAc99 |
| 6842644 | 17658622 | 581780 | 0xE8b4195fAB667EAFd30C12CC83407eF7F0258454 |
| 6730965 | 17548224 | 581806 | 0x0034dA704033BE3193401c6A86216fed9759bd09 |
| 6869270 | 17684904 | 581847 | 0x86863bC22648d8c2fb02e3fcA314B8ee9ca0A4e0 |
| 7156381 | 17969699 | 581963 | 0xc15792b8578fc26c10de7F88191ECFF579151866 |
| 6784911 | 17601544 | 582003 | 0x9Bb57e33E3CF30DA68c85a2Ff573Ad36d35137Cb |
| 6866209 | 17681892 | 583825 | 0xE48657858413b47C99Da2fa025075D5Ab0670a24 |
| 6722628 | 17539992 | 584095 | 0x24CA47e64565538FE1291bA9ddfed1245A2DF27E |
| 7090069 | 17903880 | 584907 | 0x8F25e294c6B7cC0eC950c5133Abdb1162591791b |
| 7084939 | 17898778 | 585926 | 0x8650D0ac826307c0569d72F29a86BB1fff4Be620 |
| 7050589 | 17864691 | 588493 | 0x754B6A084e22521F5a0A3E67D2d9BeCf9c8957ED |
| 6895830 | 17711090 | 591595 | 0x2Fd26e4Afc3a6e075090d88ef477fCad01A213EA |
| 6716789 | 17534221 | 591714 | 0x87138Ead456276321663c8cb0b7a5c4cA1278850 |
| 7097274 | 17911030 | 594059 | 0x2c3cA343018eC85FB94962979ee314248551c051 |
| 7100343 | 17914084 | 595095 | 0x627800e271722366f8795353e6669Cc51A71b565 |
| 6839316 | 17655337 | 595770 | 0xdeB38993Bb38422Fd4e8F8546Be459fe268F69CD |
| 7131874 | 17945382 | 595916 | 0x42Cb839acf94FE3f3009D58e9fCa4970c6271553 |
| 6657101 | 17475188 | 597939 | 0xaC5aeF3125572A922171670222AC6892DE6E1778 |
| 7130146 | 17943664 | 602721 | 0xf7CD573E6fd3945CE3B0302d4EF5d74A8527196D |
| 6590770 | 17409833 | 607941 | 0x2030B7Ada3D36f0CED230Bb9caB207aCBaa2cdF5 |
| 7018386 | 17832731 | 609891 | 0x220B75DE147c957cb3F9DD3F7e061aac73C3B0Da |
| 7089470 | 17903282 | 615887 | 0x4eF88F054D9FeBC2272dd1C43aA206086d82F67B |
| 7018319 | 17832664 | 616424 | 0x91A3eFD078A4cc1d6c3F8aA059611fcA91797f2B |
| 6971518 | 17786171 | 619665 | 0x72e95Ced91bEF30dcF8B025d7253d6673eA8d1A9 |
| 7154159 | 17967489 | 632971 | 0x68Fc618D00f2379dC05c7518E4cd7E138EFFe6fb |
| 7113401 | 17927053 | 633023 | 0x8D715B906eaF32ceF181559F2257Beb01511eFa2 |
| 7121649 | 17935244 | 648762 | 0x8672bD6BF412905ff89Ac08892b86239ceA6097C |
| 6878448 | 17693979 | 670951 | 0x10e9CADDE39FB5647D57DF83feDAcB7675acc7B4 |
| 7116544 | 17930175 | 688605 | 0x7d9A15ca4011C6bc2748C50a2c75f7c22a1E6aD4 |
| 7140765 | 17954198 | 696539 | 0x61C84CA91aC12281a371d906105559ec6C89509B |
| 6816176 | 17632471 | 699179 | 0xB82EFedc8c30E788705E6151dfFdF71E3D00Bca9 |
| 6961021 | 17775745 | 717115 | 0x859B63A481DeF572e5AC52e0023DB55B82a0F6C0 |
| 6991108 | 17805618 | 728422 | 0x5F5e3148532d1682866131A1971Bb74a92D96376 |
| 7031715 | 17845964 | 757166 | 0xC0cEa9B7020701b89776cf97656A51dd44DAa26B |
| 7154467 | 17967796 | 765904 | 0xFDCE2dB4D40629102c2e7066430dDF6e623E6F28 |
| 7104791 | 17918505 | 776830 | 0x7340EE4be119c6A5C8759B7a7Db84446F92B5De1 |
Why didn't any of my validators make the list?
There may be a variety of reasons why your validators might not appear on this list, even though you proposed a block with Lodestar. A few possibilities:
You did not propose a block within the eligible period (March 23, 2023, @ 18:00 UTC to August 23, 2023, @ 18:00 UTC) between slots 6064198 to 7165798
Your block proposal(s) did not pass Blockprint and/or our algorithm's test to verify your block was actually proposed using the Lodestar client.
Your other validators may have been linked to a similar node operator's fee recipient or deposit address/ENS (the idea here is that every node operator, regardless of the number of eligible block proposals, has only 1 claim to the prize pool)
Your deposit address, fee recipient address, and/or Rocketpool data links you to being ineligible because you are considered a "whale" or large node operator (defined by this program as "greater than 320 ETH cumulative at stake")
Please see all of the rules for the incentive program again; and one of them likely made your proposed block(s) ineligible.
Dispute period (completed)
Our dispute period begins with the release of this blog post for two (2) weeks for node operators who wish to dispute their eligibility to a claim of the prize pool.
You can e-mail directly with information relating to your proposed block for reconsideration. Our team will re-analyze the information and return correspondence on our analysis based on the rules outlined in the original blog post.
What did I win?
We originally started the program with a $20,000 USDC prize from ChainSafe, and thanks to the generosity of the EthStaker community, the prize pool was increased to $25,000 USDC 🎉
After the dispute period concluded, we divided the $25,000 USDC pool money equally between all winning validators. The 85 validators above will split the pool and receive approximately $294.11 USDC in their feeRecipient or RocketPool withdrawal address.
Claim my POAP!
All winners are whitelisted to claim their Lodestar User Incentive Program POAP that we've created as thanks for participating in the program and trying out Lodestar. Click the link above to mint yours if you've qualified!
We want to hear your feedback!
This program was our first stab at incentivizing real external users to try our consensus client. Whether you're a winner, a participant, or just another regular user of Lodestar, we would love to hear about your experience using Lodestar - form 👉 here.
We're constantly working to improve upon our client, and feedback is critical to this process.
Next steps
If you're on the list of winning validators, congratulations!
You will not have to do anything and will receive your prize soon after the dispute period concludes. If you need to dispute an invalidated block, please reach out to us at within the next two weeks!
Have additional questions? Hop into our 👉 Discord.
About ChainSafe
ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for web3. Alongside its contributions to major ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing gaming, interoperability, and decentralized storage expertise.
As part of its mission to build innovative products for users and improved tooling for developers, ChainSafe embodies an open source and community-oriented ethos to advance the future of the internet.
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